Bad sign? (89)

67 Name: holdincourt : 2006-07-12 04:03 ID:p1GFPTtc


Back on topic, Desp.Otoko, the guys here have a point, especially >>60 and >>61 (though in a very crude / direct way).

At this point, you're better off moving on, learning from this experience, improving yourself for the next girl that comes around.

Like you said before, time is an issue and all and if it's working against you, you either fight it (which, clearly, you aren't) or you let things run their course (which, from the looks of it, will still be a losing situation for you).

So, rather than DRAG this on any might as well look down the line and see what is best for you. To move on, use the remaining time to enjoy life before you go back to studies...find a girl in college or something etc. BEFORE all that, you need to evaluate yourself. Do you continue the way you are? OR, improve yourself, gain confidence in yourself, so that you can take the bigger AND neccessary steps when the next girl comes along.

Your choice...

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