WTF, talk about bad luck (24)

1 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-07-13 18:16 ID:XNsBIx2T

So, there's this girl I've liked for a while. She just got out a relationship, but there was definetly chemistry between us before. And there still is. I'd love to date her, but FUCK, she has cold-sores around her mouth. Life's a bitch. Now I need to find a new girl to pursue.

11 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-07-14 06:27 ID:XNsBIx2T


You're missing the point. It would be retarded to willingly risk getting infected with something that produces unsightly sores. Even if they're harmless they're still disgusting. But hey, I suppose you sickies won't allow yourselves to accept that. Beyond that, shouldn't people aspire to not have diseases? If you're going to just take a "whatever" attitude towards things like this why don't you just get things over with an fuck an aids patient while sharing needles with some local addicts?

12 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-07-14 07:01 ID:uDQvGReG


lol! Didn't you read, 80%, thats 8 out of 10 persons, basically worldwide, already HAVE the herpes virus, and this isn't nessecarily the 80% fucking around you know because sexual relations isn't the most common cause for the infection of this virus. So you're gonna look for a girl without cold sores that might have herpes anyway just to avoid a virus you probably already have yourself? And for what, that odd 1 out of 4 chance that if you do get the virus(given you don't already have it), you will get symptoms that could be anything from hardly noticable to at worst what has been described above?

I think you're the one missing the point; herpes is such a tiny, itsy bitsy deal that, taken out against meeting a nice woman, it's like a drop in a bucket. Comparing this to HIV is just rediculous.

13 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-07-14 07:57 ID:Heaven

>>11 God how ignorant can you be. A coldsore is nothing more than a single blister on your lip that lasts a week. It's amazing that you can't wait a week.

14 Name: holdincourt : 2006-07-14 10:30 ID:JH0/7J6j

this has GOT to be a joke thread...come on. You're being scared off by a cold-sore?!

15 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-07-14 12:18 ID:Heaven

that's reassuring. i picked them up at the tender age of 2 and they've been a constant source of anxiety my whole life. i'm glad others don't find them to be a big deal, even if i'm still hypersensitive about it.

16 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-07-14 15:17 ID:Heaven


Look at it this way, your cold sores will help you dodge shitty people like OP, you should be glad. The rest of us don't care. I have cold sores too sometimes, from cold for example, hence the name. Also my lips are sensitive to certain types of food, like tomatoes, which may cause them to irritate and turn red. That is also cold sores.

17 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-07-14 21:52 ID:XNsBIx2T

I think I can understand OP's feelings. I mean, I don't think it's unreasonable to want a partner who is clean and healthy. That's what everyone wants, right?
In this case it's not a big deal, but it's like ordering your most favorite kind of pizza and then finding out they put on a topping you don't like. It won't kill you to eat it, but it's still a disappointment.

18 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-07-14 22:52 ID:Heaven

There are several days throughout the year (called asymptomatic reactivation, asymptomatic shedding, or subclinical shedding) when the virus may be present on the surface of the skin, but there are no symptoms. Herpes can be passed through sexual contact during this time.

19 Name: Girl raped when she was 11, now has issues : 2006-07-15 21:21 ID:RrJnDSLa

Ok, so the story goes like this. I went for a 1 week vacation to Lloret de Mar, Spain. For those who don't know, this is, among Ibiza and Mallorca, one of the most famouse "fuck towns" Spain has. Mostly Dutch, British, German and Russian people come there to party around and fuck around.

So, me being the lucky guy, on my third day, I meet a girl who is from Sri Lanka but was adopted to Dutch parents when she wasn't even 1 month old. Later the evening I learn she's a virgin. Even a bit later I learn that she was somehow abused by her grandfather when she was 11, and I also learn that this memory sticks really hard with her, as she felt extreme pain when I stuck a finger in her pussy. I, in my drunk state, have held an epic speech to calm her down and make her feel better about herself. Man was this speech dramatic and grandios, I tell, should've written it down.....but I digress...

So, I meet with her another couple of days because she just somehow interested me. I forfeited fucking and actually partying around to meet this girl for the rest of my Spain vacation, and I even dunno why. Luckily, every night I tried to get her to feel better but it didn't work. Well, at least I got a half-assed handjob and blowjob out of it, woo.

So, the thing why I'm posting this is: we live pretty close to other. Well, she's in Holland, I'm in Germany, it's maybe a 2 hour drive with a train. Understandably, if you were abused by your grandfather, you have trust issues, but I saw that she has somehow fallen for me. I got her MSN, we talked, she told me that I'm one of the only persons she can really trust in a long time. Ok, now, how the hell can I make her forget all this shit and enjoy herself with sex? Because by God, she tried, but sticking a finger inside isn't the problem, now the real pain comes when I take it out. What could be the cause, what could be the cure?

I seriously have her own wellbeing in my mind. I know, HUR HUR I JUST WANT TEH SEX well I can get it elsewhere. Of course it'll be a nice bonus, but if I could make someone else feel better about herself and her life, well guess how fucking great I will feel

20 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-07-15 21:22 ID:RrJnDSLa

oh snap, posted in wrong thread, ignore >>19

21 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-07-16 02:29 ID:Heaven



22 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-07-16 04:48 ID:Heaven


23 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-07-16 08:34 ID:Heaven

haha, i thought it was a copypasta troll

24 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-07-23 06:28 ID:x2rG+9Ds

>>19 Ah, I thought you were comparing "You think you have it bad..." stories. ;)

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