Feeling Lost, Hopeless (27)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2006-07-22 23:54 ID:3cbhEXEq

Hi all,

I am new to this and I need your advice, I am in a relationship with my gf who is currently abroad at the moment, and will be for the next 2-3 months. It seems that she doesn't trust me...and wants me to go aboard to where she lives. She keeps mentioning over the phone that she could have choosen anyone she wants since she is currently working at a tv station, where she sees all sorts of celebrities, but she choose me because she loves me and tells everyone that she has a Bf.

Theres 7 hrs difference between our time, and I am currently looking for a job, so I cannot call her everyday (International calls would costs a lot too-sorry for sounding so cheap ^^;;). I dont get to talk to her that often because she works now, but also I want to find a job so I can learn to drive/clear my debt, to make our lives easier in the future. Yesterday, she rang me (after talking to her 2/3 days before) and she got all mad at me, thinking that I spend all day in forums or msn/aim chatting to girls and not looking for a job! she said that "you shouldnt talk to useless people", "You dont know people on the internet, you shouldnt waste your life here". I was upset, but I dont know what to say to her since I know she wont understand me. I hate her sacastic comments too (;Д;) like when I ask if shes ok, she'll say Im doing great, I see all the pretty boys here. By the tone of her voice, you can tell that she's not happy. Also she saying Im a liar, due to the fact that i said my internet wasnt working but I didnt say when it wasnt working.

Everytime we have an argument, it's usually me who tries to patch things up and explaining why, I'm getting tired of it, why cant me and her just have a "conversation" instead out raising voices?

Sometimes I think Im not good enough for her, as all I've caused is headaches for her. I half way on giving up on this relationship. I dont want to let go, but I think I'll just be a hassle to her. I would get more detailed, but I dont want to rant too long and bore you guys out ^^;;

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