Tell me if this is makes sense (25)

1 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-07-24 04:48 ID:Heaven

Okay, so after lots of time and debate, I finally came out and told my best friend that I was gay.

You see, I sort of knew I was gay for a while, but because of my will to fit in with society, it took me a while to come to terms with it, you know? unfortunately, the exact moment I had realized this was when my girlfriend (of course, we up right after) had asked me for sex. It was then that I realized that I could no longer go on living a lie, and should let her go so she could find someone that would actually make her happy.

Now, my best friend has never actually seen my girlfrirnd, but by my descriptions of her he should know that she's pretty damn attractive. Also, my friend and I are still both virgins. What really pisses me off though, is that it was obvious he was interested in her when I described her, he hasn't said anything about her since I told him that we had split up.

I also sort of get the feeling that he thinks I should have banged her, which would have been lying to myself.

And no, I can't go and bang her, or him. Also, I can't really tell eitehr of them to bang each other. That's impractical.

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