irritating... (6)

1 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-09-02 21:37 ID:0iieHaAH

Hi all ^^

since u guys are the experts here.. I thought you might could give me some answers :D


it's all about a girl. (it's always bout a girl :S)
anyway's... she left her home country to mine.

now, she doesn;t seems to have many friends.
and I think she might be a bit emo. since she told me she wanted to die. (she went back this holiday and had a really good time with her friends) so she told... me.. she wanted to.. die.. 0_o

I told her not to be stupid. and she corrected her words.
she had many things for she wanted to live for.

though she bares me worries..

she doesn;t seems to ask ppl things. (like.. u tell like.. damn don't buy that phone.. customer service sux. she won't bother asking "why?")

what should I do help her get interested in ppl so she won't feel so lonely?
she's constantly telling me how she feels about her past etc. how sad she is, how.. lonely she is.. it sometimes make me crazy..

already all my thnx for your reply ^^

(yes I like her..)

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