Mireille guy, please leave. (52)

40 Name: Mireille guy !2dC8hbcvNA : 2006-10-07 20:29 ID:Heaven

Wow. I really like where this is going. First, I appreciate the fact that there are people willing to debate my opinions. I hate to be so honest sometimes, but here, there's no face to lose, and no grudges to be held, simply debating and reasoning.
>>35 Has grasped my idea completely.
SA, I couldn't have phrased what you said any better. It's not that I believe women should BE submissive, but rather, that man should be proactive and take the role of the one in charge of the romantic life.
I wonder what history lies behind girl >>31 >>36 >>38. Sometimes, personal experiences lead people to act and react in certain ways, even if one is putting forward the most honest advice. I am not saying I can give proper advice to anyone (It's hard to put oneself in the shoes of women; also empathizing with the experiences of others is something women usually do better), but if you want to share your love problems, be my guest.
Respect is an absolute to treating women. As for my personal preference, I've always liked women who are intellectual, and as is the case, I treat them as an equal. However, I still believe men and women have different roles in a sexual/romantic relationship, and nature intended for us men, to lead in the romantic aspect, while women follow. Men take the initiative, and guide the dance. Men propose and women accept. It's how it's supposed to be, and I advocate all that. I try to be as respecful as one can be in the internet, and I always encourage men to be gentlemen towards women.
>>35 is a true man.
As a response to >>28, I'll sage this thread and end it here for now. There is still no reason for this thread to exist as noone has come forward with the wrongings of an advice. If you followed any one advice that I gave, and it did more harm than good in your life, state the fact and post. I will gladly retreat that advice or refute your post.

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