Approached by someone I should not like (19)

1 Name: Martyr-Kun : 2006-10-17 13:22 ID:H6juYf6q

Ok here goes:

I have a class with a girl who has been very friendly in the last few months. Last week she was accused of stealing 30 dollars, the accuser notified the school office and the police. I had known the accuser for several years and know that this is not the first time she has over reacted to losing something and notified authorities on trumped up theories. In short I helped the very scared girl talk to office authorities as she insisted I help. I'm a nice guy and after calming her down agreed to help. The issue was resolved over the weekend and the girl is OK, however yesterday she gave me her mobile number saying
"Thats so you can call me, you know 5 months from now. Or tonight."

After much deliberation I called her and was greeted by her voicemail.

Its now Tuesday and a few things are running through my mind:

  • This girl is a bit of a bitch, she gossips way too much
  • She doesn't take our class seriously, or anything else for that matter
  • My friend says that she has done the same thing to other guys, including him
  • Regardless of this I'm still confused about exactly what she wants

Any comments 4-ch?

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