Have you come across someone so beautiful it hurt to walk past her? (45)

20 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-10-29 05:16 ID:Slu3I+Ir

Print this out and memorise:

On a train. Beautiful person spotted. Slime you way up to her.
You: Hi there.
Beautiful person: Hey.
You: Hold heart from jumping. Do you by chance have a tissue?
Beautiful person: Why yes. Takes out tissue.
You: Oh wow, these smell nice. What brand are they?
Beautiful person: Kleenex SmileDazzle.
You: You don't say, I use Kleenex too!
Beautiful person: Yes, they clean-ex..cellently.
You: Try not to collapse from her wit and beauty. Indeed. Indeed. Sweep a stray strand of hair from her face. Picture perfect.
Beautiful person: Blush.
You: How shall I compare thee to a sommer's day?
Beautiful person: Amazed by your depth. Oh, Shakespeare?
You: Yes, Shakespeare.
Beautiful person: I love a guy who knows his literature.
You: Indeed. Indeed.

Walk off hand in hand off the train.

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