I'm desperate... I can't stop thinking of him (11)

9 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-12-13 23:48 ID:UuVkodBg

Well, there's this girl I'm in love with. I've never met her in person, never talked to her or communicated with her in anyway. All I know is that I'm in love with her. She's so perfect for me. I think I have some sort of obsession with this girl. She's all I think about every day. I really do cry myself to sleep at night thinking about her beautiful smile, her big brown eyes. I probably live a thousand miles away from her. She'll never even know that I exist. This makes me feel empty and useless inside. The fact that I'll never be with her, upsets my heart like no other. I feel this empty void inside of me. I can't help it. I'm so attracted to her. I've told a few of my friends about this girl, and my odd obsession with her, but they all called me a faggot and said that she was ugly. I don't care about what they say though. The truth is...When I look into her eyes, and her picture is looking back at me, everything feels not quite normal, because I feel stronger, and weaker at the same time. I feel excited, and terrified. I can't exactly describe what I feel when I look at her, except I know what kind of man I want to be for her. Pic related

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