A serious blow to my ego (8)

5 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-11-29 20:34 ID:C9I8BlXS

>>If you want, tape record yourself in front of a mirror and play it back. Did you look like those guys that get the girls? Did you sound like them?

Don't do this. Women are not aliens, they're people like everyone else. This is not a magoc trick, if you treat this like it's some big deal you'll freeze up and seem creepy or over the top. Just talk to them like you'd talk to a normal human being, you'll be fine as you don't seem visibly anxious or pathetic in asking.

I wouldn't worry about it though, she seems like a waste of time.

>>And the next following day she gave him oral in his car.

Run, don't walk away from this.

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