1 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-01-27 19:36 ID:Heaven


So I'm a guy

I've very very recently sort of entered a relationship (sort of) wherein the two of us are friends, but maybe something more, but maybe not right now, emo whine emo emo cry cry etc

Ok, joking aside, we're both busy students and decided that we could wait a little bit before getting too involved in a relationship

So anyway, the 14th is coming way too quickly

What should I do? Comedy options eg pooper, dick in a box, etc are inappropriate since we aren't intimate. But I'm kind of stuck. I was thinking I'd bring flowers, cook dinner and we could watch a movie or something, maybe have a drink or two. But I dunno. What are you doing for the 14th? Tell me. Tell 4ch. Tell the world.

PS - If you're single my recommendation is to go out and get fucking poundered into the groundered, that would have been my plan before all this "relationship" stuff came up.

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