So I love a girl, but... she's fat (51)

13 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-05-02 19:33 ID:5c60LnR3

Bloody hell, what a terribly cliché statement.
>>10, >>12
I beg to differ.
Idiots are every single bit as much of a turn-off for me as simply unattractive women. With intelligent and unattractive women, I'm far too busy being repulsed by their sheer fugliness to get into anything even resembling an intimate relationship, while idiots with delicious breasts and cute smiles simply get on my nerves far too much to even associate with (In before somebody says I'm immature, callous, haven't experienced 'true love', or anything of the sort)

>>1, seeing as to how you seem to only be concerned by what others will think of you associating with a fat woman, and not by the fatness in and of it's self, I say you ought to tell everyone to put a sock in it and enjoy yourself.

Now, if only there were more attractively beautiful and intelligent women out there, for the likes of me.

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