He's into...weird things... (140)

50 Name: zhouwuatsien-aimmsny!qZFKl2dobU : 2007-05-30 14:32 ID:QLELUozb

I don't blame OP for her actions. If I was with a guy who had hentai at all, I might be a little creeped out. Rape hentai was grounds for being mentally unhealthy at first. Now it's accepted. Cartoon porn was grounds for being mentally unhealthy at first. Now it's accepted. Pornography. Was grounds for being mentally unhealthy... Now it's accepted.

But just because something creeps me out, doesn't make me distrust someone. To distrust them would be insulting. Distrust is another kind of betrayal as well.

I don't blame OP for her actions. I just like to show... Sometimes bad people aren't really bad people at all. Take a chance. What does OP have to lose? Compared to what she had to gain.

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