Transsexuals and dating (23)

21 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-07-05 20:19 ID:VYj0lL7G


This seems pretty unlikely, to me, but there are all kinds of sexualities and genders out there. Most MTF women I've met have been straight (attracted to straight men), although I did know one in college who was dating a bi woman both before and after her transition. A few pre-op/non-op transsexuals I've talked to have expressed discomfort with the fact that they seem to attract a lot of bisexual, or bi-ish, male tranny fetishists, who are specifically interested in their pre-op genitalia (which grosses a lot of true gender dysphorics out).

Re: femininity and attraction; Many Thai transsexuals, being generally small-framed and delicate, look very much like biological women, and pass really well. Not everybody, of course, but more than average. So it's not hard to imagine being attracted to one (which I guess gives me a bit of an Asian fetish, even though I don't have one for biological females).

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