why can't you stay dead (11)

1 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-07-10 03:01 ID:PV4Jse7v

Here's my deal. Once upon a time I was friends with a girl who lived 1200 miles from me. When I explained a pipe dream to travel cross-country she asked if she could come along, we discovered that we had feelings for each other and it was awesome. We didn't meet in person until eight months later and even then it was awkward.
The trip never happened but I moved to a nearby state. Pretty much she didn't want anything to do with me, my emotions were volatile and one of her friends left a message on my voicemail saying she was dead. A few months later I discovered she wasn't dead and she played stupid about the whole scenario. So I turned my back on her and shut her out of my life.
Tonight I went to the supermarket and I'm pretty sure I saw her. I paced the fucking joint three times hoping to "accidentally" run into her and get a good look at her face. Plus she was with this military dipshit which also riled up lots of things because she fucked some asshole in Afghanistan because she thought he'd get beheaded like Daniel Pearl (lol).
Now all I can think about is if she's in my city and I'm probably going to run into her again, my knuckles are going to be raw from impotent rage on my heavy bag.
Just needed to vent.

10 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-07-21 06:09 ID:Heaven

4-ch needs newbies.
Please don't be too harsh, but help people acclimate to the boards.

That name (different for each board) is used when the name field is left blank. It's a part of 'anonymous culture'.
To be brief, posting without the use of identities is a kind of egalitarian ideal, which lets people speak their minds freely.


11 Name: ND : 2007-07-22 02:47 ID:JF0WEjg0

No, not a noob I'm just curious why people keep assuming the names of others. It's a bit confusing.

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