I think I'm asexual... or animesexual. (30)

24 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-07-04 07:01 ID:sOyeaYxL

I don't think you're asexual at all. You find yourself getting attracted to women in anime at the least. Infact, I think you've conditioned yourself into the position you're in right now!

For years, (And to overuse this word), I conditioned myself into yellow-fever, to the point where I would only like, consider and look at asian girls.

It's taken a lot of work, but now I can atleast say that I wouldn't discriminate a hot white girl from an average looking asian girl. Even still, I have a natural preferance now towards asians, and blah blah, but if you work at it, you'll return into the fold.

You're only 19, you still have a lot to experience in life. Wait till a girl gets close to you, accidently touches you or you notice the way she smells.

Not being perverted or anything ;p But sometimes it's the slightest thing that can attract us towards someone.

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