Unrequited love is a horrible thing (51)

1 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-08-23 23:47 ID:K1i7Ru80

Really, it is. It screws up your brain, the problem clearly lies within yourself rather than anything else, but you still can't stop thinking and regretting. Even though you know it's too late.

As you can probably guess, I got rejected recently. Confessed to a girl I was deeply in love with for quite a long time, and got friended.

I didn't expect that, or rather I didn't want to think about that possibility, so you can say I was not prepared for that.

And it hurts as hell. I used to talk with her about a lot of things, that now remind me of her. Forgetting her completely seems to be out of question, it would be like ripping a huge part of me out of myself.

The worst part is that it's all my fault, because I assumed I have a chance, yet what happened to me was inevitable - I was incapable of giving up on her, so it continued for way too long.

I can't imagine a past in which I wouldn't fall in love with her, and wouldn't get hurt later, except for one in which I would never have met her. This is why I now see love as something painful and not worth it.

I want to be able to talk with her again, and I think she wouldn't be against it, but first I have to stop loving her. I have to let go of the false hope I had for so much time that "being in love with her" has become a definition of "being me", and to start seeing her as just one of my friends.

Any ideas on how to get over my love?

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