Unrequited love is a horrible thing (51)

3 Name: TS : 2007-08-29 23:49 ID:H/inOlvw

same thing happened to me more than once. in the end, i figured that the both of us were mature enough to put the past behind us and just be friends again. it worked.

about getting over your love, it's simple; it's her loss. i know that's easier said than actually believed, but trust me man, you'll make it. the first girl i fell in love with...after she rejected me and made it clear we could never be together, i grieved for a year. every fucking thing reminded me of her. so what i did was i threw away everything i had that was connected to her in the slightest bit; pictures, convos, things i had made for her, etc. and threw her out of my life. it came to the point where i felt i was getting sick thinking about her. and in the end man, it's your own health you gotta think about. i wasn't gonna waste away grieving over my loss; i'm sure you wont either.

eventually, all my feelings for her dissipated, and i focused on becoming a better man for myself and for the girl that i know is waiting for me in the future.

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