Unrequited love is a horrible thing (51)

42 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-01-10 07:12 ID:ld6tnZoc


Infatuation is not love. That is one of my main points.

Maybe I'm the first person to specifically mention sex, but that IS what we're talking about. Otherwise, why the confessions, the obsessions? Why not just remain the bestest friends ever without all the longing and anxiety and remorse?

Humans ARE rational. They experience moments of irrationality.

>I'd like to see you rationally manage yourself when you walk in on your "true love" fucking your best friend.

Anger happens. Followed by sadness. This is where most of the people ITT would probably stop, writing brooding sonnets and whining to people on 4-Ch about it.

What separates me and the people mooning over "unrequited love" IS rationality. If we were in preschool, the "unrequited love" people would be off in the corner trying to stick a square peg in a round hole (remember those toys?).

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