Is it wrong to be madly romantically in love with your little sister? (25)

22 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-09-02 11:34 ID:dOyygA0s

WTF is this SHIT

There are more than just physical complications in this equation.
It's the awkward social results and the eventual impact on family bonds. It's an outrage to our deeply sown social habits, it will in the long run negatively affect both ourselves and people around us.

Maybe you can't help who you fall in love with, even though it indicates that you are deeply disturbed if you do fall in love with a sibling or a parent(at an sexually active age when the concept of romantic relations are fully concieved). However, you can definately help which attractions you choose to nourish with your interest, and who you choose to stick your motherfucking dick in.

Do not, don't, don't ever under any circumstances, entertain romantic/sexual impulses towards unsuiting objects. The mind is a maze and people often get lost in it, realize that some things that fly through your head is an enemy of your best interests and should be treated as such. Mental stimulation and pleasure is not an excuse to set yourself and people around you up with emotional distress.
Don't let yourselves be mentally raped, don't rape the good order of social structure because it is the foundation for everything that is good in this world.

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