What do you personally look for in opposite sex? (41)

20 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-09-19 20:37 ID:p2Ccoi1O

Am guy

Like in girls:

-High morals
-Calm and pleasant personality
-Generous and compassionate
-Passion for family and practical interests
-Reserved clothing style and makeup
-Not too thin, avarage build
-Prefer long hair, not styled to shit

Dislikes in girls:
-Low morals
-Talking shit
-Slutty appearance and behaviour, thinking or knowing she's all that(I don't care if she is, advertising it makes me puke buckets)
-Or other wierd styles: emo, goth, over-punked etc.
-Overconfidence, that phony shit that makes people annoying instead of pleasant
-Shallowness, egoism

Have yet to find one that live up to my standards, will not get involved until I do

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