Female friends (20)

15 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-10-26 04:41 ID:Heaven


A wise man once said:

"Anyhow, there are plenty of people to meet and violate at the cons, but be sure to keep these statistics in mind:

1/2 of these people are female (ie. they have a vagina)
1/2 of those people are distinguishably female
1/2 of those people are females you would want to sex
1/2 of those people are not lesbians
1/2 of those people are not infected with an STD
1/2 of those people are not furries
1/2 of those people are not “saving themselves” for marriage
1/2 of those people are remotely sane and tolerable to talk to
…and she probably won’t be drunk enough."

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