Problem - I Look Like a Stereotype (17)

5 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-12-12 14:57 ID:nHXW8idH


Same opinion,... You have more choice, but are faced with the same problem as anyone else: Is your partner with you for his sake or for you? The answer is always a mix, but not always an healthy mix.

So you need to get more experience at evaluating others and act accordingly: if your current relationship does not satisfy you, terminate it, so that you can start another one.

And next time, make sure you have more interests in common that you can share. It's ok for someone to be with you because he likes your looks, but it's not ok if it's the only thing that keeps you together.

It's not very hard to distinguish both situations: if your boyfriend shares with you his feelings and ideas (not only about you, but about what's important to him), and is willing to do stuff with you, asks questions about what you are doing, and what are your opinions on different subjects, you are well off.

If he interacts little with you, does not implicate you in his life, and has little curiosity about you, except the sex part, then I guess all the red flags are up, and you just need to move on.

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