wat goes on in HIS mind? (34)

16 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-07-07 16:06 ID:eTDRl5cB

Yes, you should not have done something like that over MSN, in person is as far beyond IMs as talking is beyond silence; Good luck being honest & sincere in the morning, making certain he understands that the previous night over IM was just a little silly impulsiveness, when you really wanted to say it in person meaningfully;

And PLEASE do stop with the weird spelling... I can understand shortening words like you to "u" or are to "r", but "dis" and "da"... If you're taking the extra effort to type "dis", just type the proper word "This", and instead of "da", type "the"... Otherwise, it sounds like you're trying to come up with your own slang instead of simply abbreviating a few words...

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