I want to learn more about this girl... (16)

8 Name: Intrigued : 2008-09-12 22:48 ID:LdpLa8nR

Yes, I am well aware of how pitiful my shyness is. I just have this idea in my head that if I walk over and say, "so, you're into anime, huh?" she'll be like, "...yes....?.."

Which will in turn leave me in despair.

Maybe I should add more descriptors for the situation. 2 of the girls at her table are much more talkative; which scares the shit out of me, since if I went over with lame conversation starters/created awkwardness, when I left what if they were like "what a wierdo, approaching you out of nowhere". I do 'know' one of the girls at the table, but only for a few days now, as I met her in the class I have before japanese.

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