I'm in love, i'm a coward (14)

7 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-10-22 02:20 ID:Heaven

well, you already hang out with her regularly, so she certainly likes you as a person. as for whether shes interested in romance, difficult to say given lack of information.

carefully consider her body language. the simplest way to gauge would be to compare her to a platonic female friend of yours. for example you may touch the platonic friend from time to time. grab her by the arm, give her a hug when she is upset etc. those same situations are going to be completely different with a girl who is considering you as a romantic partner. does she touch your arm from time to time in conversation? when trying to get your attention, what is the difference (if any) when she touches you compared to a platonic friend? does she shrink away when you initiate physical contact? how close does she walk with you? how close does she lean in when talking to you? i could go on.

think about all the interactions you have with a girl who is simply your friend. if a lot of instances come up with your love interest where you might say 'well, i wouldnt have done something like that with jane...' then theres a pretty good chance she feels the same way.

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