Does this girl like me, or is it just curiousity? (21)

1 Name: Secret Admirer : 2009-04-01 01:40 ID:F3uO3not

Okay, so, there's this little preppy sorority girl in one of my college classes. She's a strict Christian, very girly, and overall pretty vanilla. I, myself, am more into the Industrial/EBM/Noise subcultures, am involved in the occult (Left Hand Path), and am overall a free spirit.

Now, according to my classmates, she finds me "creepy" and "pretty weird". Uh, yeah, okay. However, this is completely different from the way she acts to my face. In fact, whenever she sees me, she comes up beside me, starts asking me about my day and what's been going on in my life, and then barrages me with an endless list of odd questions about my personal life... "Are you a Satanist? Have you ever spat on a crucifix? You said you're polysexual... have you ever gone down on a guy? Do you like sex with transsexuals? Why don't you talk funny like other gay guys? Have you ever had anal with a girl? Do you smoke weed? Blah blah blah blah..."

Okay, long story short, she's annoying me but it's in a way that makes me wonder: should I tell her to go away and shut up, or is this her way of saying "make my face like a painter's radio!"?

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