Can women feel loneliness to the same extent men can? (61)

45 Name: sage : 2009-05-17 07:19 ID:Heaven


But not every woman would just throw herself at any man on a train.

I am in that situation, so don't blow that scenario off just because it's an "unlikely" one. I'm a 23 year old virgin woman who has never been in a relationship before; I'm 23 and I've never even been kissed. I'm a fairly normal person and I am interested in being in a romantic relationship with a man, but I have not yet met a man that I have wanted to have a romantic relationship with. I am lonely.

It may be argued that as a healthy, attractive 23 year old woman I could have any man in any bar in my city without making much effort, but I don't just want a random sexual fling, and while I have been open to dating, I have not found another person that I have wanted to date. And I am lonely.

According to the posts in this thread, as an attractive 23 year old virgin I could "fuck" any guy I wanted and that should cure me of my loneliness. But also according to the posts in this thread, doing so would make me a "slut" and lower my worth as a human being. And according to the OP, as a woman I cannot be truly lonely. But here I am, quite so.

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