Can women feel loneliness to the same extent men can? (61)

48 Name: Secret Admirer : 2009-05-17 11:38 ID:NuxKDA/h

What I find funny in this thread is the idea that having sex will help feeling less lonely. If that was so, hookers would be the socialites of this world ^_^

I mean, you can have sex with someone and have zero communication with him. Think about it: you're waiting in a line for your movie ticket. You're surrounded by people. Does that mean that you are not alone? You can be lonely in a crowd, and you can be lonely while fucking.

So I think this thread would become more constructive if the omega-males here explained whether they are talking about real loneliness, simple sexual frustration, or just low self-esteem. All of these can be inter-related, but are NOT the same thing.

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