Can women feel loneliness to the same extent men can? (61)

5 Name: Secret Admirer : 2009-05-03 01:43 ID:jpn5bKwn

>Well, I think I see where the "bitter virgin" comes from ^_^

Oh right, women who sleep around are awesome, rite? Lets all go and read Cosmo together!

>You can have sex and get no love at all.

Then why indulge in this cycle of transient momentary pleasure if you feel it so 'degrading' and you are really lonely?

>and yet you must eat to stay alive.

So basically women cannot survive without sex, they actually NEED to fuck something otherwise they die of not fucking? Are women really this inured on intercourse?

>Are they really the sex crazed succubi you claim women to be?

I don't have a sister, but my mother comes from a different generation and a different type of world, you know, where not every transgression was waved away with a 'oh, she'll just learn from her mistakes' bullshit logic or relativistic morality crap.

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