i can't help playing mind games (18)

13 Name: Secret Admirer : 2009-11-29 22:48 ID:OvYU09ft


10 here, and you don't know me or my date preferences so you shouldn't go ahead and assume that you know me just because I too am a woman. Nice generalization you did there.
Did you even bother to think when you posted that ?
And do you realize that women don't know what they want is a totally reverse situation ? They say they want a nice guy, stay with the idiot due to animalesque features of the female body but in fact they need and really want (although they don't know it) the nice guy.

Listen OP, if you bore girls because you're nice then you're with the wrong girls, there are girls out there that want someone nice, who deserve and need someone nice, so don't worry, sure, go ahead and don't be who you really are, enjoy living in lies but you should know that there are girls out there who want guys like you, they really do, even though they don't know it.

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