Girls ... tone it down (37)

12 Name: Secret Admirer : 2010-06-08 13:55 ID:aRd0evQC

First of all


go fuck yourself "oh the makeup isn't about you its about her so too bad" FUUUCK YOUUUUUUUU this is the average fcuked up western chick attitude that makes guys run from you assholes as soon as they see you. (or just use you for a cum dumpster rather than have a long term relationship with you)

"no its not. and no, she isnt.

you need to get over yourself and grow up if you think thats the case. you dont seem to understand much about women. "

lemme tell you something cunt, if i EVER got with a bitch who was more interested in what she looked like for others than what she looked like for me, not only would i remove her physically, i'd probably just leave the bitch at th e table and let the cunt walk home AND pay for dinner.


western women are cunts, try some of the more old fashioned latin or jap women.. they're gold

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