Girls ... tone it down (37)

22 Name: Secret Admirer : 2010-06-16 23:57 ID:Gx20hCX4


Sorry to burst your bubble, but it's true. If you don't think it is, I would guess you are still very young. Some GIRLS do not wear makeup, yes. While they are young their skin may still be naturally beautiful. All self respecting women these days DO wear makeup. Skin does not stay beautiful for long, it's a sad fact of life. Can I remember the last time I saw a woman without makeup? Yes, because it is such a rare occurance. I was fixing mine in a bathroom and noticed an exceptionnally downtrodden looking woman washing her hands. Her appearance was clearly the least of her worries.

As others have mentioned, it is not primarily to attract men, but to stay beautiful. Frankly, women have a very brief prime. Don't pretend that you as a man would be interested in an older woman who does not take care of herself. Have you ever seen candids of celebs without makeup? Yeah. We all look that bad. Go ahead and complain, don't expect a single woman to give an ounce of sympathy. Men can stay attractive literally twice as long as most women with comparitively no effort.

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