Am I a bad guy, or a terrible guy? (7)

1 Name: BadBf(¦´~`) : 2010-06-15 19:14 ID:dKfe8rwI

I think that I may be a terrible person.
You see, half a year ago I was asked out by a close friend, and in a mixture of shock and flattery I accepted. Initially I thought that I loved her too, but as time wore on I found myself grasping for common interests, and realised that we had none.
Even after all of this time I have yet to introduce her to either of my parents, or properly speak with her about our future together, and the difficulties facing an atheist and an avid christian in a relationship.
Next year I am going to university, and i'm not sure what to do.
I need moral guidance, or at least a firm telling off, and i'd be really glad if you could help.

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