Coming out to boyfriend as trans (32)

9 Name: Secret Admirer : 2010-11-19 04:14 ID:oC0vbLfT

hey wow, an actual interesting thread on this board. havent seen one of those in forever.

count me in as another guy who wouldnt be fazed much by it. although unlike the other poster im not bi, i consider myself straight as an arrow. if i thought you were hot enough that i didnt even realize you were trans, i would shrug my shoulders and roll with it. i realize im probably in a very small minority there though.

i halfway agree with coming out in a public place. i think a crowded place like a mall might be a terrible idea and pretty hard on him if his reaction is negative. a park bench with relatively few people in the area would probably be the much better idea.

i know im just repeating things that were already iterated, but definitely go into this expecting both of you to come out hurt. the world we live in just isnt that accepting yet. if it works out, fantastic, and i hope it does. but this is the kind of situation that most typical guys joke about being the ultimate nightmare scenario.

i know i wasnt super helpful but i did want to chime in and say good luck.

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