Would i be considered to be an otaku? (83)

63 Name: Random Manga Otaku : 2007-11-14 21:23 ID:+Rh4I14Q

do you even KNOW japanese?
オタク (n) (col) geek; nerd; enthusiast
...lemme guess, you get the deffinition from hand maid may with the creepy neighbor locked away in his room and who only came out for the "cute little girl" and tried to give her all that stuff...
i think the most refferable thing about this word in your profile that even came UP is kamakazie girls...in which case, do you dress lolita? ((yes, boys can dress lolita, EGL has boy's clothing too)) have you read the book, manga AND seen the movie, better yet do you own them all? can you name at least 10 lolita fashion designers?
and there are PLENTY of otaku at that age, i myself was one, but i however have been watching anime since age 4 with a japanese animated version of the little mermaid...i believe what your reffering to are called adult swim junkies, which come in all ages im sorry to say, they people who go around having only ever seen wha'ts been on adult swim stating "omfg im suuuuuuuuuuuch an anime fan! i never miss a showing of anything on adult swim so i've seen flcl about 40 times cause adult swim is so great!(not) and repeated the same fucking 6 episodes 40 billion times!!!

for someone who's so set on learning japanese you already have a very poor grasp or the language and suggest you work on learning more about the culture as well..."otaku" snorts right...

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