The project was called Run Nigger Run, and the track was titled "Pray I Don't Kill You Faggot", released on a compilation in 1985. It's listed in his discography page on Wikipedia underneath Shellac in the "other" section.
Just what it says in the title. Listen to what's posted above you and give your opinion on it while posting something yourself!
Being the thread starter, I'm kicking off with naturally what is most appropriate:
Sounds like this thread :( I feel like the piece is "memed" way out of proportion and people are just like "ZOMG ITS JUST SILENCE SO DEEP LOL". I think that silence in music can be very powerful though, and sometimes it hits you when you get that perfect less-is-more feeling from a song, and when I see this pop up it is a nice reminder to appreciate that.
here you go
The keyboardst has the biggest case of jew nose I've ever seen, but damn it if he's not talented. Sounds like if somebody turned elevator music into an 80s chase scene in my opinion, and that is the exact opposite of a bad thing.
Here's the music equivalent of cream cheese on 7-11 Pizza:
Really unusual and almost unpleasant sound at first 18 seconds that gets really addicting quickly, then the rest of the track is them singing (more like speaking) in probably german. Lyrics are probably good and meaningful, I have no way of telling. Everything after first 18 seconds is probably a waste of time.
Slow music probably about either dances or sex, maybe in metro, and parting ways. Piano, drums, synths. Tries to be sad. Music itself is nothing too impressive, lyrics make just enough sense to be called lyrics.
I like it! It's funky and weird, and a little menacing. This sounds like working music, so it makes sense that the composer is German lol
Here's some obscure church music
i often find that church music like this unnerves me, for whatever reason
this one doesn't as much though, maybe it follows more of a major key
here is a song i hold dear to me
any hyperpop fans here? any sub-genre included, PC Music, digicore, etc.
If I'm trying to chill out than either Maha Sohona - Endless Searcher or Fishmans - Long Season
The guy who writes rape porn about pedos and serial killers?
>>12 I can't say I've read any of that, but it sounds like the same guy. I gather he was the first American to be done for CP possession or something. Listening to Buyer's Market is a harrowing experience.
he pretty much fessed up to it. Its weird because his zines and books (as far as I know anyway) don't contain any explicit CP images. Apparently, he did have some CP magazines or something in his possession, planned on taking the non-explicit material, and publish that as art for his zine. So he just happened to have CP lying around and this is when CP was just made illegal. Idk if thats true or bullshit "its researches" excuse.
I haven't been on a nightwalk for years now, but I would listen to Dungeon Synth and Dark Ambient. Old Sorcery, Vinterriket, Ziggurath, Mortiis and the ambient tracks from Burzum. This kind of stuff.
i usually listen to galdive or fujii kaze
Life's a Bitch by Nas
How you could upload mp3s.
I miss people trading/sharing song files and not just torrenting or p2ping entire albums/discographies.
Uploading an mp3 (or other codec) file to an imageboard or by other means was like what I imagine the pokemon card scene was like.
"Oh you might like this here's this mp3" and then that mp3 becomes part of your life history, you feel an emotional attachment to it.
Someone should invent a musicboard where instead of images you post sound files.
Anyone got any alt boards to upload mp3s too?
I wish there was a music imageboard for mp3/wav sharing because that would be awesome
there used to be an imageboard where you could attach tracker modules to your post, it rocked.
they added a /mp3/ board now
Wait, didn't 22chan die a few years back?
>twoot actually became a tranny
ahahahahahhahahahah fucking hell
I was thinking he just got trolls remorse or the German government pressured him to take the site down.
But thank you for making me aware of the new 22chan, because I did genuinely enjoy it and was disappointed when it went down.
I wish there was some kind of type board for mp3s, CDrips, vinyls, etc. too
I would love to upload some of my old stuff
Doesn't seem to have too many uploads sadly, what a shame
The board doesn't require you to interact with the site culture or put effort into a post so I am a bit unsure of where to spread the word about it. I just hope it's not a case where people who listen to music offline have become in the minority now and couldn't care less anymore.
Anybody here still make these?
I want to get a 400 disc binder and fill it up with tons of MP3 CDs.
Last night I made one with some albums from Piana and Lullatone.
This is a pretty amazing technology, I wish I knew about it back in the day I could have fit so many songs on my cd-rs instead of just making a typical audio disc.
Why would you do that? Burning FLACs on them as a normal audio disc is better. Best quality, and works on every possible player, whereas MP3 CDs only work in some (though admittedly most).
I have some MP3 CDs in my car loaded up with COOL FREE RINGTONES for emergency purposes
After some consideration I've decided to burn audio files to dvd-r and bd-r discs.
My stereo system plays MP3 CDs, but the thing is once an album is finished it starts playing the next one, I would prefer playback to stop after an album is finished.
Now I'm trying to decide whether to go with FLAC or AAC encoded to 192kbps.
Pros and Cons:
FLAC - Original file quality, futureproof, can be converted to any number of encoders later on.
AAC - Smaller file size while retaining quality, can fit more albums on one disc (one bd-r is around the same size as a 30GB ipod classic), later on if I choose to transport a song to a different device I won't have to waste time re-encoding everything.
Which route should I take?
I heard that tape drives have the best cost to storage ratio, makes them great for backups. I also heard that cd are the only media resistant to magnetic impulses (well, printed books are also resistant). I also heard that cd slowly rot away, that they aren't intended to last for longer than 10 years.
Standard approach is to have lossy audio to actually listen to, and lossless audio for archival purposes. I doubt aac vs flac is actually noticeable.
No this isn't for archival.
I'm aware of LTO, I can't afford that right now.
What I'm doing is burning these to discs for regular usage.
I prefer having a physical collection of music rather than just keeping it all on a hard drive.
CD MP3 for my car's sound system
I still make them, usually I burn albums, EPs and lives/bootlegs that aren't on cd
I recently burned Starving Artists - Starving Artists EP, Desmond Doom - Surf Goth A & B, Panchiko - D>E>A>T>H>M>E>T>A>L 2020, and The Black Keys - live on KCRW 2010 (Boys Ready? Bootleg) & KCRW 2008.
I just use CD-Rs and Windows Media Player with MP3s off YouTube, Internet Archive, or Spotify.
>>2 I don't think most cd players can read FLAC
I know MP3 is pretty universal (and a high quality one doesn't sound bad at all), but I've heard that WAV files are usually compatible with players as well, with only a few not reading them.
The Psycho-Social, Chemical, Biological & Electro-Magnetic Manipulation of Human Consciousness - Jedi Mind Tricks
Believe in us - CINDY
(forgetting) sarah marshall by Doggy Daycare
Boys, Girls and Broken Hearts by The Defended
REDALiCE - Great Nano Desu (なのです☆)
'нигил анбаунд' by 'вилллловх' or 'willllowh'
Pskov in Flames - Sergei Prokofiev
Go Sailor (self titled compilation album)
'I Just Do' is the track in particular I've been obsessively playing on repeat.
Husker Du - Terms of Psychic Warfare
DJ Sharpnel - Koke Killers
Just genuinely curious...whats your favorite album if so?Do tell!
I do like R.E.M., I would have to say my favourite R.E.M. album is In Time: The Best of R.E.M. 1988–2003! I only got into them after I got my first iPod and mainly listened to tracks on shuffle. My favourite songs I think are Drive, Animal, Man On The Moon, Orange Crush, What's The Frequency Kenneth, Daysleeper, Imitation Of Life. I remember having a bunch of REM bootlegs cos my stepdad was a fan, I liked their versions of The Lion Sleeps Tonight and Syd Barrett's Dark Globe
I pretty much like all songs from "Out of Time". It's one my favorite albums.
I don't get them, honestly. They're alright but from what I've heard, they were supposed to have set the world on fire, but I don't hear that when I listen to them. Television were generally better.
Out of time is still as good as they get.
Any good Psychedelic music?
I always think stoner rock, with bands like Sleep, Maha Sohona, and the Weedians. Any nice stoner metal that you all would recommend?
However other forms of Psychedelic music is allowed too, like folky stuff (I always think The Pilgrim (Of Heavy Psych Sounds Records) or David Cosby), or even vaporwave (such as "nobody here" by Oneohtrix Point Never/sunsetcorp, which is somewhat psychedelic).
Fishmans - Long Season fits this too. Kind of an eclectic mix of genres, but definitely a good one.
Also, Black Sky Giant and King Weed
Anything and everything by Pharoh Sanders and Sun Ra
I like From Grotto, found them through some videogame OST they made.
<b>Primavera - Ludovico Einaudi Is brilliant</b>
Oltremare but the same author is also good.
Beethoven 9 - Chicago Symphony Orchestra - Riccardo Muti
B²TSM - 'Duh Duh Duh Dum'
There is a song by Bach that I loved but forgot the name of. I will post it if it comes back to me.........
Chopin's Nocturnes, Schumann's Fantasiestückes, and Johan Baptist Wanhal's Sonatas for Clarinet and Piano are some of my favourites.