Opera vs Firefox Drama Thread (133)

104 Name: Albright!LC/IWhc3yc 2005-10-06 15:52 ID:4pqipcXZ

On the internet, there needs to be a certain level of trust going both ways, I think. I understand both dmp2k's and anonymous's positions. I don't block normal web ads, as I rarely find them all that annoying or offensive. Sometimes one catches my eye and I click. I've never bought anything, but who knows? Maybe I will someday.

However, I want to ask you, dmp2k, if you have popup windows blocked. Most of the time, popup windows contain advertisements, so blocking them is just as "bad" as blocking normal in-page ads, no? But odds are you have them blocked because they are so damn annoying, as do I; they betray the trust I talked about above by making my web browser open a window without my permission. So I can't say I'm fully against the client being able to define the terms on which they will surf the web to a certain extent, and I doubt you could either.

Flash ads that play sound are a crime as well, but fortunately they're rare enough that I don't worry about 'em.

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