Opera vs Firefox Drama Thread (133)

93 Name: 404 - Name Not Found 2005-10-04 15:49 ID:R4CsG1jl

On subject:
I recently had a corrupt harddisk so I had to reinstall everything... it happened to be right around the time of Opera's party so i installed it along with firefox to try it out again. I actually had bought Opera back in the day and used it exclusively except when sites required IE. Just normal browsing was fine in either of them... but I ran into things I wanted to change/addon with both. I knew how to do this with firefox and I knew exactly what I needed. (Small rant: are they EVER going to implement that feature to copy a list of currently installed extensions?!) So I install flashblock, menueditor, web developer, tamperdata, session saver and greasemonkey and I'm able to surf how I surf better in firefox, but it is more apt to crash with the extensions installed! I cannot think of the last time Opera ever crashed on me... but firefox is not apt to crash either without extensions.
So for me... with all of its failing, such as eatting memory like noone's business, I stay on firefox. I really don't care which one is better, I just want one that works like I want that doesn't suck too much.

Are the people who are going to use adblock likely to click on your ads in the first place? It is easy enough to set adblock to only hide the ads on sites you actually like and remove them from everywhere else... most of the time. I cannot say I have ever gone through my huge adblock list to actually do it though... but I never click on ads anyways and even if I -do- click on an ad just because i'm curious i'm certainly not going to buy anything. Am I doing you a favour by not killing your clickthrough rate just not having them displayed, or should I remove them and not give you impressions?

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