Google censorship?! (26)

1 Name: Sling!XD/uSlingU 2005-04-06 12:01 ID:pk3pXuio

At the bottom of a search:
In response to a complaint we received under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, we have removed 2 result(s) from this page. If you wish, you may read the DMCA complaint for these removed results.

13 Name: 404 - Name Not Found 2005-08-19 07:26 ID:lYsNtviy

Apparently, the Japanese are quite upset over the term "East Sea" in Google Earth and want it to be renamed to "Sea of Japan":

16 Name: 13 2005-08-19 07:44 ID:Heaven

Okay, okay, one last one:

Also, this made me laugh:

30 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん :2005/08/19(金) 09:14:40 ID:oAF247kg

sea of korea か。

31 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん :2005/08/19(金) 09:14:41 ID:4RZjmpok


32 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん :2005/08/19(金) 09:15:44 ID:9q0t0uvO


33 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん :2005/08/19(金) 09:15:47 ID:JXvplYJL

Japan of Korea じゃないか?

17 Name: 404 - Name Not Found 2005-08-19 14:40 ID:75L2GXPf

18 Name: 404 - Name Not Found 2005-08-19 14:42 ID:75L2GXPf

huh, nevermind, the thread linked in >>17 was nuked.

19 Name: 404 - Name Not Found 2005-08-21 12:18 ID:Heaven

The two links in >>16 seem to have been suspended, new strategical sites:

21 Name: 404 - Name Not Found 2005-08-21 12:37 ID:Heaven

PS (I am on a roll here!):

This is the group the VIPPERS are DDoSing:

22 Name: 404 - Name Not Found 2005-08-22 00:25 ID:LBm6dhIL

lol btards

24 Name: 404 - Name Not Found 2005-08-22 17:29 ID:Heaven

It's not just Google's sneaky way of complying with the DMCA. Under the "safe harbor" provision of the DMCA, sites have to pretty much respond to copyright complaints by yanking the supposedly infringing content without question, or the site will itself be just as liable for infringement as the actual offender. (Source: - Chilling Effects Clearinghouse)

26 Name: 404 - Name Not Found 2005-08-31 14:39 ID:YjW8Zc6V

I am sick of Koreans' stalker mentality.

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