84 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2020-03-13 05:59 ID:lmUE1mkp

It's seriously something equivalent to a massive blow in the face seeing a thread about this, especially one made back in 2007.

I'm young as hell, and I've been around on the internet for a terrible amount of time for my age. I've been reflecting on it; the seeping influence of what used to be 'niche' internet subcultures is now the basis of most every student's life.

Even the hoodlums and crackheads are exposed to this, entrenched or at the very least acknowledges this, and the area I attend mostly consists of low-income minorities.


>I think this is dangerous because it can lead people to be lazy in their critical thinking. i.e. "Why is that like that?" "Because meme"

You'll see this commonly now if you ever attended a school today. A lot of reasoning is boiled down to "cuz meme bro."

What's so odd though, it that, because of this, there's not much bullying. No conflicts, no nothing. Social conditions and pressure gets to be controllable and optional to individuals. There definitely might be more factors involved, but a lot of social situations have become this way. You'll still get a whole lotta people optionally picking pathways into becoming shells of their former selves because of this sentiment, out of option.

lol also worth to mention, had maybe 4 attempted shootings over here in the past 5 months and nobody's given a shit. Nobody cared to mention them either, even after district reports came out.

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