The Future of the Internet (15)

9 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2008-10-18 04:40 ID:n9DOZ0Gf

-1. net will be draped over reality through handhelds, glasses, contacts, cyberbrains? GPS, tablets that provide info on the surrounding worlds, this kind of immersion already exists. glasses and contacts exist now at a high price. the net also facilitates stronger connections within a loosely connected local network (boy with girl, neighbor with community, tenets with renters, ebay).

2. near this same time you have the rise in digital life. bbs, video games, social websites, forums, 'second life' type games, these already exist and are growing in efficiency and complexity. they are taking up more and more time of the average citizen.

3. i'm guessing the military will be the first makers of flexible, on the spot utility from the internet, anywhere. see targets through hills with an overhead eye, instant communication to all members of an operation, really pioneers in heads up display technology.

4. then eventually you've got direct plugging in. early adopters: porn industry, government institutions for training purposes (school? hospitals, etc), outcast children with low physical prospects (almost as /b/ served earlier), i also expect it to be an addon to forums growing in popularity. forums have their merits, but maybe seeing the face (even if they are recorded reactions) might be too tempting.

-i wouldn't be suprised if we split the net in two, one public one private (anon). i could see all the big corps involved with the internet coming together and pushing a public net, as this would make security much easier (i'm assuming), and thus make all their businesses much more profitable. if they all came together for their own self-interest it'd be pretty hard for the public to say no eh? the more i think of it the more it seems like a libertarian kind of thing, corps establishing their own grounds realizing government ineptness, and where easier, safer, and least controversial a place to do this than the internet? could this be a place where corporations 'make a stand' and deny government involvement, if the gov does indeed ask?

eventually i think the pubnet tapers off as all its services are offered on the encrypted net more efficiently and free, as technology and software improves.

-the more minds hooked up to the net the more important physical security will be. i don't think security will grow in proportion to its rising value. i think something could happen where people die, like hospitals airplanes cars ambulances trains, and i fear the government might exploit that to ensure their power. if i was in a current position of power, that sounds like something i would do.. before the net is too powerful and capable of defending itself. some e-security guru said the e-patriot act has already been written, ready to go. just waiting on that attack.

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