Best Blog Site? (9)

7 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2016-08-30 15:15 ID:ZYY6yLFq

Tumblr, as a blogging platform, isn't too bad. Tumblr, as a community, is pretty bad. I wish there was a kind of lightweight embeddable-blog. There's no hierarchy, and maybe not even a separate account to sign in with, instead you write a post and link to it directly from another site. You don't explore the blogging site itself, and it doesn't offer much navigation between things on the blog-site itself, and you simply link or embed the blog posts on your preferred website for sharing things. I.e., A simplified long-form blogging platform where your twitter/tumblr/social-platform-of-choice is the index. Sort of like a Pastebin for blogging.

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