Alienation [I mean come on, it's 2016!] (26)

5 Name: Netizen : 2016-04-13 02:58 ID:RBQETV+T

I believe that within the next couple of decades a new "refuge" has to appear. First, before the internet, it was phreaking and the BBS world. Only a group of people could access it. Then the internet.. Only nerds used it.
Now "normal people" can use the internet because there are no barriers to entry; they just grab an electronic appliance and touch the screen. Some kind of barrier has to appear again. Something that excludes the unworthy from the safe playground; maybe something to do with cryptography or just a new virtual dimension we can't imagine yet.
In time, it will open to the general public too, but for a while the magic will exist again. Maybe some of us will be left out though, if the barriers are strict enough.

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