Whether life is worth living or not. You be the judge. (50)

36 Name: Anonymous : 2007-01-27 01:29 ID:yc5Uz7hX

As a percentage of all the matter in the entire universe, do you realize how infinitely insignificant everything that you call "you" is? Your body, your mind, the arrangement of atoms that is YOU statistically shouldn't have happened. You could be a dust cloud in space, or a drop of frozen water on a comet. But you, among ALL of the matter in the universe cobbled together something called sentience. Do you realize how lucky you are? You won the greatest lottery in the entire history of EXISTENCE. That alone is cause for celebration. And you, feeling what I'm sure you think is a cruel and unfair punishment would cut that down after only 20-30 short years? Madness. You're alive, that's more than the rocks, the dirt, the dust cloud, the ice cubes, and all the other atoms floating around get. You're more lucky than you know.

Enjoy it, whatever it happens to be, while you can; because that's all there is and ever will be.

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