i love my mom (135, permasaged)

16 Name: fart man : 2007-01-04 11:55 ID:sGzWQGS6

my mom aint very happy, shes saying she doesnt want to get old. so i said she was still very beautiful and attractive, and kissed her. and when i did this she looked at me with a gleam in her eye, just like a girl looking at a colourful candy. i realized she really needs me. and also, i realized i still want my mom.. i even want to have a baby.(although i wont)

i really cant sort this thing out. why am i so screwed up??

[Stop posting advice at all until you have sorted this thing out.]
i post advice because when i do this, i can feel that im even more normal than others. and i guess my advice is quite useful for those who need help.

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