My problem makes me sad , maybe all of you don't have this problem (17)

12 Name: devildogmre : 2007-01-14 18:44 ID:zhTttvwp

I think by "playing" Pro means "fucking around with" and/or "joking with" ppl. Females are like alchohol. Trouble follows them. Ever stand outside of a bar and watch ppl exit and they are sad, stumbling, pissed, throwing shit, being loud, crying, etc. That's what you get with women as well. You have to be strong to commit to a real relationship, because real relationships are full of all the mental, emotional, and spiritual tests you can imagine. Jeez, I don't know...maybe you should just try talking to a girl, get beat down a few times, then patch up your game and try again. It's a slow process, but you will learn. Just don't be scared to move forward with your interpersonal relationships.

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