My problem makes me sad , maybe all of you don't have this problem (17)

3 Name: Anonymous : 2007-01-12 14:57 ID:2yvxWTmC

You have too many ties attached to girls. Every time you see one you think "OMG A GIRL, SEX" kinda thing. So it makes you nervous when you talk to one. "OMG DOES SHE LIKE ME? GOTTA TRY AND IMPRESS HER" kinda thing.
Get rid of these ties and realise that they are a different gender human. Nothing else.

Am i right?

How dfo you mean play with people? like football or something? I find it hard too but you jsut have to make ourself do it. You'll have fun and then it'll jsut come naturaly. Dont think too much about it too or else you'll get worse (EG: Dont keep pointing out your mistakes to yourself, if you acciudently kick the ball in the wrong place jsut let it go dont dwell on it).

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