Question from a hikikomori to hikikomoris (130)

14 Name: Anonymous : 2007-02-06 11:01 ID:kFUj1xTw

I don't quite qualify as hikki but I'll post anyway...

1) How did you end up as a hikikomori?
I just never made any friends outside of school, then I left school. I don't need to leave the house, I have everything I need right here at the moment.

2) For how long have you been a hikikomori?
Only a semi-hikki, for 3+ years.

3) How severe is your hikikomori condition?
Not severe at all. I go out to shop every so often. I go out to university. I don't really talk to anyone there. In my free time I go to a computer room. Straight after the last lab/lecture of the day, I'm on the Tube home.

4) How can you afford the hikikomori lifestyle?
Parents, with whom I still live (I'm 19).

5) Why do you continue staying as a hikikomori?
I don't intend to continue. I'll get a job with my comp-sci degree. I'll be productive. With money, I can buy the solutions to all my problems. But right now... socialising would take up time and energy I feel I can put to better use.

6) If you have successfully escaped your hikikomori lifestyle, what where the events that lead to that?
Hopefully itll be me getting a job, meeting other people there --> social life (?)

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