Question from a hikikomori to hikikomoris (130)

24 Name: Anonymous : 2007-03-08 19:30 ID:pruwePXR

1) Here's a rundown:
First, I had one friend who had ADHD and treated me like an accessory until his real friends came along.
Then came starting in school with no communication skills.
Then came a mobbing problem, crying and resisting before going to school, and manic stealing (for a period).
Along this time I was not getting any attention.
Then came two diagnoses related to being asocial.
After a school change came more mobbing, but the final year was good and I passed.
Then I dropped out.

2) Almost three years total. Since I was 16, but with a three year "pause" in the middle.

3) Bordering the point where it gets almost impossible to stop the habit. I have at least two periods of staying inside the house without going out for over half a year so far.

4) Parents, various graphic design and web design stuff online.

5) It's not by choice in my case. I feel that there are mechanisms in me that just make me deem failure before I even try. That make me obsess over relationships, so that I will "claim ownership" over people in one sense. This is because I've never had any attention and am very insecure. I feel like I have to stay inside and come up with an unbeatable battle plan, but meanwhile all I do is waste time. Still, I can't hold up to the responsibility of a real job. I wish I would just die, but I can't make myself do that. My existence appears to only hurt people, and even the things I consider myself skilled at are things that receive barely anything but critique.

6) I felt at one point that I could be myself ... I received recognition for my web design work and artwork online. I had a portfolio and was a very active poster in a community, and I could see on my visits and feedback and overall that people loved me. I felt like I was able to be myself, and act without stress or invisible barriers or plastic bubbles. It was an amazing feeling, I still look back at it with longing now 5 years later ... and to think I still hold that school's grade highscore. I was able to do something like that just because I felt like a freaking god. Today I'm a fat, old, useless fallen angel D:

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